Allah has instructed us in Quran to give generously for the cause Allah. Allah says in Quran

“Believe in Allah and his Messenger and strive in the cause of Allah with your wealth and your lives. That is best for you, if you should know.” (Surah Saff Ayah 11)

We humbly request your generous assistance in continuing our efforts to serve the community. Our boarding and lodging system has shown tremendous positive results both in educating and training the learners of our academy. To preserve this effort we are dependent firstly on the mercy of Allah, then your kind contributions.

There are many different was where you can donate to us:

1. Committed Donation

Donors can contribute weekly, monthly or annually, donation can be low as $100/month or any amount you wish to give.

2. Sponsor a Student

Donate towards students fees, books, uniforms etc. contribute $250/month

3. Sponsor a Teacher

Contribute towards paying a teacher or staff salary, contact the office for more information.

4. Building Project

Contribute towards An Nur Islamic Academy first building. The building is geared to house some of our many classes offered including the implementation of part time classes for the public.

The building consists of six classrooms, one staff room, a Musallah/Hifz Department and a guest room at the basement. Construction is ongoing at the moment and is intended to be completed for September 2018.

Still to complete

Plastering of the outer walls, installation of windows (ground floor windows donated already) and doors, installation of staircase (already fabricated), tiling of basement, ground floor and top floor, sealing of upper floor, electrical and plumbing, painting, constructing of toilet facilities.

How to Donate

  1. Cash or Cheques bearing the name An Nur Islamic Academy can be dropped off at the office or picked up by An Nur official collector.
  2. Direct transfer or deposit to: An Nur Islamic Academy (Republic Bank Acc# 740801335001)
  3. Online donation: visit our DONATION PAGE for a listing of donation values. Donate as little as $100 TTD or multiple amounts as you can afford, or you may also sponsor a child.

Donate Online

Make your donation online via debit/credit card from anywhere in the world (including T&T).