We begin in the name of Allah. Abundant praises to Allah who has allowed us the honour of serving his Deen. Al Ikraam is translated into English as,
“The quality of showing honour or paying tribute to someone.”
Our goal and intention at An Nur Islamic Academy is to gain the pleasure of our creator by inviting mankind towards good and forbidding evil (Da’wat), teaching and learning the religion of Allah as shown to us by Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) (Ta’leem and Ta’lum), serving and assisting the Muslims and mankind (Khidmat) and assisting others in worshipping Allah (Ibaadat). We attempt to fulfill these goals by supervising under our care:
- A flourishing preschool/kindergarten department,
- A Primary level-learning department,
- A department for memorization of Quran,
- A successfully dynamic youth affairs and outreach programme and
- a newly opened Ruqya and counseling service.
The Institute is constantly experiencing positive growth and changes in its structure and ways of operations. New demands are always at our doorsteps thus there is always room for adaptions and growth.
The survival of this noble but humble effort relies on the help of Allah then the generosity of people like yourselves through whatever means that Allah has placed within your control even if it may be sincere advice.
Mission and Vision Statement:
Vision: To develop and train learners to become representatives of truth and to produce leaders for the service of mankind.
Mission: To create and sustain a multi ethnic tolerant and culturally diverse community of students, parents, concerned supporters and staff, through fostering a network of community service, all around education and highest level of character building by using the core knowledge curriculum and direct instruction.