Browse our Database of Fatawa below: Latest Answers Search Browse Topics Divorce Marriage/ Nikah Fasting, Taraweeh and Zakaat TaraweehTaraweeh and Jumuah at Masjid but in separate rooms with home receiver ZakaatPossessing the Nisaab of Zakaat but unable to pay on time ZakaatZakaat on Madrassa fees in my bank account and money owed to me 'ItikaafWoman making Itikaaf in living room adjacent to bathroom ZakaatWill there be zakaat on non income property FastingTaking steroid while fasting FastingQadha fasting if lady thinks her habit has started 'ItikaafPerforming ‘itikaaf and eating from outside ZakaatDelaying Zakaat payment ZakaatCalculating Zakaah on future expenses FastingBreaking fast without Dua 3 Talaaq or 1Divorce by joke 3 Talaaq or 13 Talaaq or 1